Tuesday, June 30, 2009

SYTYCD Video of the Week

In honor of one of my favorite shows, I'm going to post a SYTYCD Video of the Week (VOW) after every show. Of course, timing will always depend on how long it takes YouTube users to upload the videos. This should be fun!

First VOW is Melissa and Ade.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Both Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett will be missed. I can remember many a times where I have been busting a move to MJ's music. It will feel a bit different from now on.

What a devestating day. Boo!

RIP to these icons...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Come again?

We're getting married in four months, people. Four months! And you know what? I can't wait!

Friday, June 19, 2009

98, 99, 100!

I have to do it! It's time for a mini-celebration for my 100th blog post! I'll admit, I don't blog very often, because I want to blog about the things that mean something to me.

So for this special post, I'm going to give a shout out to my fave dancers on SYTYCD! Meaningful, huh? And I must admit, I wasn't too fond of anyone when the season started, but today it was really hard to pick my top six! I seriously have come to like them all.

In no particular order...

Ade. As Lil C said on the show Wednesday night, he is a force to be reckoned with.

Evan. Full of smiles and unique! I'm so happy his brother made it to Vegas for Season 6!

Jonathon. Does he remind anyone else of David Archuleta? Adorable! I want to put him in my pocket. Plus, he has performed one of my favorite dances so far this season.

Karla. LOVE her. And did you see during the Wednesday night show that she is a hip hop dancer as well? I look forward to her dancing each week.

Kayla. I didn't really know what to think of her at first, but wow. Her technique is perfect! She'll be a top runner for sure.

And finally, Melissa. My little ballerina! How cool (and weird) is it that her sister married her husband's brother?! She's an amazing dancer and they have never had a ballerina on the show before. She's great!

And to end things sweetly, enjoy my favorite dance of the year. It gives me chills everytime I watch it. Awwww, so sweet!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Trim, Tone and Tighten

I had my first dress fitting.

Everything went really well, actually. My dress is slimming, so I only need to worry about toning the tummy and thighs for the honeymoon.

But the part that needs a lot of work?

The fat that hangs over the strapless part of the dress. What is that? Armpit fat? Boob fat? Dad - if you're reading this, that's as bad as it's going to get :-) I have been doing pushups, curls, etc. and it's just not going away.

So what do I do?

I get drastic people. It's go time.

Rather than having bagels at work at an average of three (or four) times/week (with cream cheese, I must add)...

...I am now only allowed half a bagel Tuesday and Thursday, with peanut butter. (I had an oopsie today and had cream cheese, but I wanted it!)

And the workout routine has been stepped up a hundred notches. Rather than working out at the gym over lunch on Tuesday and Thursday only (I do Ab Blast and Fit Camp)...

I now have to add running to the mix. I MUST workout five times a week. NO if's and's or but's about it. I'm on a roll - I've been at it for two weeks now.

And you know what? I actually enjoy running, minus the throbbing pain I sometimes feel in my knees - I have awful knees.

And lastly? I have to walk up the stairs Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week. It's not so bad.

If you think about it, none of this is THAT bad. I just need to find the motivation. I need to enjoy the experience. By my next fitting at the end of this month, I will definitely have trimmed.

But by my wedding day, with all of this work I'm putting into it, I WILL have trimmed down, toned up and tightened and there will be no more fat.

Fingers crossed...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pet Peeve

I am so frustrated right now. I'll admit, I am an agressive driver, but I'm extremely nice on the road as well! Why is it when I am in a good mood, I let the rude people in front of me? They have their signal on, I literally stop so they can get in front of me and then...NO WAVE!

Seriously, it's like a Seinfeld episode. And all I can do is glare at them and wave annoyingly at the back of their head.

"Hey buddy, where's my thank you wave?!"
- Jerry, after letting a car merge in front of him, in "The Good Samaritan"

Monday, June 8, 2009

Patio Furniture

After many weeks of searching, a decision has been made! Matt and I became members of Sam's Club yesterday* and bought THE most perfect patio set. The best part is not only how great it looks, but how reasonably priced the set was (we were looking at an identical set at Lowe's for $500 more!).

Why the scurrying around to find a patio set? Well, we're having a party on the Fourth of July and this purchase is one of the many things on our to do list. Next up? Lighting, mulching (again) and buying a cute little bistro set to sit on the side of our patio. Hopefully we'll keep finding great options at great prices! Only three weekends left - yikes!

More posts to come on backyard images and some new pictures of the living room. We get our entertainment center and curtains tomorrow and we put up some cute shelves. It's finally coming together and I'm lovin' it!

*Side note: At Sam's Club, Matt and I had a big reality check. We put Stevie Telken on my membership card and it's pretty weird. I keep pulling out the card and starting at it. Is that normal?

Friday, June 5, 2009

Flowergirl Cuteness

Matt and I are going to have a pretty large wedding party. Eight bridesmaids and groomsmen, three ushers and here's the kicker - six flowergirls and ring bearers! Before you gasp, let me explain.

We are going to have an adults only reception - so no one under the age of 21 will be in attendance. Because of this, Matt and I really wanted to involve the little one's in our family. Thus, the small herd of children! We'll have my cousin's - Asher, Hudson and Sydney and Matt's niece and nephews - Hannah, Max and Chase. It will ultimately be adorable and I can't wait to see all of the pictures of them coming down the aisle.

So, what better time to show you the flowergirl dress! Hannah tried it on for me a couple of weeks ago and it's perfect. In her words, a little itchy, but nothing an undershirt can't fix. We'll pair this fancy number with a pair of black patent leather shoes.

Adorable, huh?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


What a bummer. I can't believe Natalie was sent home when so many other people were allowed to stay after messing up multiple times. What's going on with this show!?

Natalie, you are a brilliant dancer. I am going to miss watching your creativity and skill.

More thoughts to come throughout the season. Hopefully they will be better than this one!