Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Annual Green Thumb

Matt and I decided that landscaping is fun, but it's not fun to spend hundreds of dollars each year to create a beautiful backyard.  So this year, we took a more simplified approach and are really happy with how things are turning out so far.  No more spending hours on end every weekend!  We're just about finished laying everything out and can't wait to enjoy our "pocket friendly" approach to gardening.

We bought hanging ferns for the front porch. 
And in the backyard, we planted a lot of different grasses...
Like Blue Fescue

 And other ornamental grasses

And Gladioli

And our latest purchase...Crapemyrtle, so pretty!
Can't wait to finish buying/planting and watching everything grow!  I'll put some pictures up once the flowers and bushes start to bloom.  Happy Spring!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Where has the time gone?

Hello blog world!  Now that I've taken a month long hiatus, I think it's time to update you on the latest and maybe start posting more frequently.  I'm not sure where the time went, to be honest.  February and March absolutely flew by and spring is finally in the air.  Does the warmer weather and longer days make you as happy as it makes me?

Let me start by saying 2010 has been a great one so far.  Married life is great, Norman is growing by the day and the house we bought a year and a half ago has become a home - not that it wasn't before, but we have made it our own (and are almost finished!).

First things first.  Norman.  What's new?  Norman has officially put himself first in our lives.  A few posts ago, I was venting about the challenges that a puppy can throw at you.  And now?  Well, Norman will be 6 months old on April 11th and has turned into quite the gentleman.  He's almost 50 pounds (I know!), recently got his first haircut and is listening to commands more frequently than he used to.  Sit, down, shake, stay...all things he does often and well.  But mouthing and jumping at our guests is still something he/we need to work on and eating the mulch outside, only to throw up at 5 a.m., is a bad habit, to say the least.  We have been trying to wean him out of his crate at night and put a bed upstairs in our bedroom.  Sometimes he's great and he sleeps through the night but other times he cries and wanders around because he wants to be in his own bed.  It's a work in progress, but we just want him in his crate as little as possible - no matter how much he loves it!  So, all in all, Norman is such a great pup and we love him so much.  Can't wait to watch him continue to grow!

Enough about the dog.  The house is growing as well!  We are ALMOST finished with the upstairs, just a few finishing touches on the hallway color and a little more work on the closets - yay!  But the master bedroom and guest room are finished - can I get an Amen?  Thanks.  I need to take pictures of the final products - so once I get around to doing that, you'll see for yourself!

The backyard gardening will be in full-swing in the next week or two.  I bought my FIRST Groupon, which definitely showed I'm getting older.  Instead of buying a facial or a nice dinner, I buy two for a gardening place.  Yeah, I know.  But it's so expensive to landscape, especially when you have an extremely large backyard, so any coupon, or groupon, helps.  The green thumb will be back and I'll post the progress.  But first, we need to stain the deck, reseal the patio and figure out how to make the grass grow in the backyard.  Wish us luck.

Matt is still traveling all the time.  I miss him.  And I can't believe our 6-month anniversary is on April 24th.  Wow.

And last but not least, I've decided to work more on ME.  With Matt out of town and a growing puppy, it's been hard to focus on a healthy lifestyle.  So I decided to follow in LC's footsteps and do the Couch to 5K program.  Lauren is now running over 5 miles without stopping and she gives me hope to do the same (yay Lauren!).  I may even sign up for my first 5K in June.  Will I be a "runner"?  We will soon see.  So that's my Mon, Wed, Friday routine.  And every morning Norman and I wake up and go on a long walk.  It's a great start to the day and gives me some more exercise!

Phew.  Long post!