Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What a Feelin'!

I felt my baby move today.  Not the normal butterfly kisses or love taps, but a strong punch to the gut.  And it was THE most amazing feeling I have ever had.  Just incredible.  And I can't wait to share this with Matt when he comes home tomorrow.  I've been waiting for this day for 22 weeks!

I'll leave you with a quick video of my babe's kickboxing class :)  Start REALLY watching around the 15 second mark and the 30 second mark.  YAY!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


It's official, folks!  Twenty weeks down, 20 to go.  We are halfway there!  

BIG NEWS!  Matt and I have decided not to find out what we're having.  We decided that this will be a really memorable surprise for both of us and at our age, you don't get that many surprises!  So we'll have to wait until September to reveal boy or girl!

Let's talk about some stats since I haven't updated since the first trimester...

How Far Along: 20 weeks
Size of Baby
: Approximately 12 ounces
Total Weight Gain/Loss
: +14 pounds, but I blame that on the 33 oz. of water I had in me from the ultrasound :)
Maternity Clothes: Once you see my latest picture, you'll know the answer.  It's hard shopping for maternity clothes!  I'm still having a hard time adjusting and finding the right fit.
: We have a gymnast, dancer or soccer player on our hands.  This baby is active, which is strange since my placenta is on the front and I shouldn't really feel anything yet.  Strong baby!
: The morning sickness and fatigue left me in the first trimester, thank goodness!  I'm still super tired after work, but once I'm home I get some energy to finish out the day.  Still struggling with skin issues, but I think it's finally calming down a bit.
What I Miss: Bending over comfortably, lifting Norman into the car, not always feeling the need to eat
Girl or Boy
: It's a surprise!
Belly button In or Out
: I started with an innie but now it's totally flush with the rest of my stomach. I'm sure it will be an outie in no time. 
Stretch Marks
: Not yet.
: Cereal with cold milk and ice cream, always ice cream!!
Best Moment This Week
: Seeing our little bear cub on the ultrasound.  What a WONDERFUL experience and one that I can hardly describe.  Matt and I laughed, I cried and we watched our baby for about 30 minutes.  I'll never forget it. I'll scan in the pictures soon to share.  

And we have also finalized our baby names!  Henry Lucas and Avery Marian, both representing family members and we are so excited with our decision.

Baby is approximately 12 inches long and nearly 12 ounces.  A little more advanced than this piece of fruit :)
Baby's now the size of a cantaloupe!
Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies respond best to tastes they've already had via amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you'd like your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.

And to top of the post, here are the bump pictures from the second trimester so far.  I'm growing fast!

14 weeks

16 weeks

18 weeks

20 weeks!

Now it's time to figure out how to decorate a gender neutral nursery!