Thursday, April 23, 2009

8 Things

My good friend, Lauren, tagged me to complete this post. And since I haven’t blogged in what seems like forever, I’m happy to have a good topic!

Here's how 8 things works:
- Mention the person that tagged you.
- Complete the lists of 8's.
- Tag 8 friends.
- Go tell them you tagged them.

8 Things I Am Looking Forward To...

1) Watching my shows tonight – man I love Thursday night TV! Grey’s, Private Practice, The Office, Into the Motherhood, Parks & Recreation…good thing I have DVR.
2) Making more money at the garage sale this weekend. Already made $78!
3) Spending time with Matt this weekend.
4) Decorating the rest of the house – still so much to do.
5) My makeup trial on May 2nd!
6) Turning the big 2-6 on May 19th. And what am I going to do? Watch GLEE’s season premier, because I’ll admit, I love show choir. Right Wies? Pizazz!
7) Registering, sadly I’m looking forward to the insane process but just can’t find enough time to get it done.
8) My October wedding!

8 Things I Did Yesterday...
1) Ate salad and pizza with Emily and showed her the house
2) Moved in the second leather chair into our living room (thanks Em!)
3) Started reading the new issue of Glamour
4) Watched American Idol and Real World/Road Rules
5) Left work on time
6) Went to the dentist and had Cat Lady again – she, of course, made my gums bleed
7) Stopped by Cuisine d’Art to look at my caterers cake stands
8) Went to bed early since I had to be up at 5:30 this morning

8 Things I Wish I Could Do...
1) Cook, but I’m wishing no longer, I’m going to make it happen
2) Make a lot of money
3) Get a puppy right this instant
4) Find the motivation to work out more often to lose the last 8 lbs
5) Cure cancer
6) Travel more, work less
7) Win at least one race in my fantasy NASCAR league
8) Write and write well

8 Shows I Enjoy...
1) American Idol
2) So you think you can dance
3) Grey’s Anatomy
4) Private Practice
5) The Office
6) Parks & Recreation
7) The Hills/The City
8) Real Housewives (all of the cities)

I'm supposed to tag people, but I ran out of time. Hope to send this around soon!


N. said...

Oh man, you watch RW/RR Challenges, too?! C and I thought we were the only ones! :)

Lindsay said...

i'll be 26 on may 18!