Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Yeah, I know! I have been taking forever to put up pictures, but the beginning of our wedding shower season has started, so sadly, it's going to take a lot to get posts up over the next few months.

But I definitely want to be able to keep everyone posted on our latest wedding updates and weekend plans. I'll promise now to do my best to keep up.

So now...the long awaited Fourth of July weekend pictures! Matt and I had been working towards this weekend for weeks. We decided to throw a party in May and had to put together a to do list to get the house, both inside and out, ready in time for family and friends to see it. I have to admit, it was HARD work, but it turned out great! The weekend went perfectly and it was so great to hang out with some old friends (and their parents!)

The weekend started with a quick and random trip to the wineries with the Lewen family (AKA my second family). We had a nice time catching up, hanging out and drinking some great wine.

Arin and Andrea have been my best friends since 3rd grade. I was in Arin and Josh's wedding last year and I feel so blessed that they will be by my side this October. A quick shot for the books...man, I look tired. But cute, nonetheless.
One of my favorite pictures of the year! Dan and Andrea photocrashing our picture - hilarious.

Now, onto Fourth of July! I took some pictures of our house to share, since I haven't posted any of our updates. Our cute decorations definitely added a festive touch!
The sitting area. Still working on this room...

The console table area. One of my favorite parts of the house to date.

The living room - love the colors we chose.

Another view...

The backyard

Our new patio furniture. LOVE!
And the party has begun. Me and the Lisa's hanging out.

Our group from high school (minus Jen). As Lauren said in her posting, we all dressed like our husbands (well, and my fiance). How strange! I love this group - we have so much fun together.

A picture of just the girls. LC, I still want to see the video of our clapping routine!
My fab work friends stopped by to partake. CAW!

And of course, I had to post this pic because I love me some Lauren. :-)

The last picture of the night. Christian drying his crotch with my hair dryer in the bathroom. I'll let you create your own story to go with this picture. ;-)
Overall, it was such a great weekend! Matt and I officially succeeded with our first party and I'm sure we'll do it again next year (and probably many times before then).

As a sidenote, Matt and I had our first shower this past weekend. It was a Stock the Bar party thrown by my dad's side of the family. Where was it? It was at Bar Napoli in Clayton, where Matt and I met. How great is that?! I'll try to get pictures up tomorrow, but we have pre-marital class (second to last one -woot!). We'll see if I can make time.

Until then...hope everyone is doing well!

1 comment:

LC said...

YAY! So much fun! Your house looks amazing :)