Thursday, July 23, 2009

This Woman's Work

I honestly don't even know what to say. I have never been so touched during a So You Think You Can Dance episode and I have never felt so emotional during a performance. Millions of women around the world are affected by breast cancer. Millions of people around the world are feeling the pain through someone else. That is why this dance was incredibly important, because I have felt the pain of cancer in my life, through family, through friends, through strangers.

I have heard from several people that anyone of the top 8 dancers could have performed the dance and it would have ended with the same emotion. That's fine, I probably agree a little. But Melissa and Ade, one of my favorite couples from the beginning, created a story. If you didn't notice, Melissa was crying throughout the dance. She felt the song. She lived the story.

I'm sorry for such a sappy post, but I haven't felt so strongly about a dance in awhile. I truly believe this performance made an impact on everyone who watched it. It's not who danced it that matters, it's about the steps, the emotion and the story that unfolded.

This is obviously my video of the week.

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