Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Busy Busy!

What a crazy summer! I can't believe we're already into August and I have just over two months to go until the wedding. Well, let me get you caught up on what I/we have been up to!

We went to Chicago a few weeks ago to visit some friends - Arin, Josh, Jen, Jason - the list goes on and on! And it was even better because Amanda was up there that weekend, so we got to hang out the entire time!

Day 1: I went shopping with Jen and Arin and then we went to a delish dinner with our significant others, plus Choi and Tesha. Afterwards? Out!

Day 2: Annual Kegger on Campus at Jen and Cassandra's and then out again!

It was a crazy fun weekend and it's always sad to head home.

Next up, Emily's bridal shower! Because Em and I are unfortunately getting married on the same day, we decided to have each other to a bridal shower and will eventually plan a weekend away after the wedding to share all the fun details!
My gift to Em and Brandon -

What else...
  • I had Lynn's shower (Matt's sister). I can't believe they are 2 months away! I got her the same type of frame as Emily and Brandon's...very cute
  • Matt and I are doing more housework. We're in the middle of painting the guest rooms and rebuilding the hallway closet. Only a few more to do's and we'll be done with the inside of the house for a few months.
  • So many friends are getting puppies! Tara and Derek got a yellow lab puppy named Santino, AKA Sonny. Heather and Mike got a mini goldendoodle puppy named Albert. And Arin and Josh finally got Yogi! I'm so jealous of everyone and can't wait until March when Matt and I pick out our puppy.
  • This weekend is my bachelorette party in KC! I can hardly stand the 2 day wait I have. Obviously there will be a post dedicated to the party and I can't wait to share the details.

That's all for now. Phew!


Anonymous said...

Can I ask where you got those name frames? They are so cute! Thanks!

Stevie said...

Etsy.com - just go to the wedding frame section. Email me at slewis@webershandwick.com if you have trouble finding them. Good luck! :-)