Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Can't stop moving!

I haven't blogged in awhile. And it's not because I don't have anything to say, because I do. It's because I am SO busy that I haven't had anytime to get stuff written down! As I write this, I'm at the airport, waiting for my flight to Philadelphia for a FedEx Racing event.

Can't wait to get there though. It looks beautiful!

I come back tomorrow night, it's a short trip. But I have to get back to the office to prep for my FedEx NFL event in San Fran on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

And no, I'm not finished yet...I get back in town only to have my last dress fitting and get ready for Lynn's wedding (Matt's sister) which is October 3rd. It really is neverending these days.

So you may ask how wedding planning is going. Well, it's not, really. I have a giant list of to do's with no time to check anything off! Hopefully after I get through these events, I'll have some time - I have to make time because the wedding is 30 days away tomorrow.

One month. One month, people. Can't wait.

1 comment:

LC said...

Let me know if you need any help on wedding related things! Have a great trip!