Thursday, April 14, 2011

Poppingcorn Popping and Butterfly Kisses

The greatest feeling ever.  I'm feeling my little Bear Cub move and I'm so in love :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

First Trimester Review

One word.  Ouch.

My first trimester was far from a good time.  I really struggled with fatigue and morning sickness 24/7. I'm not sure if it's worse to feel incredibly hungover at all times (how I felt) or to actually get sick.  Surely both are terrible.

But when we went to our first ultrasound, it made all of the pain worth it.  That little body, small arms and legs and a beating heart.  Wow.  I felt such a strong connection already. So I fought through it all, with help from Matt, poor guy.  And am now well on my way into my second trimester!

Just some picture background as to how I told Matt the HUGE news!...

I found out on a Tuesday and unfortunately, Matt was traveling until Thursday.  Great timing on our part!

So I planned a really nice surprise for Matt as he walked into the door...

And finally, the infamous baby bump pictures!

8 weeks

10 weeks

12 weeks

I'm so happy that this second trimester is proving to be a better experience than the first.  And I feel so incredibly blessed to have such a loving husband and supportive family and friends by my side.  This baby is going to be spoiled!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bear Cub

I've been meaning to put a post up here with some fun news, but just haven't gotten around to it.  So finally, after a day of meetings and travel, and some much needed couch time with my pup, I am making time to share with my few loyal readers :)

Matt and I are expecting!  We've been calling my little avocado "Bear Cub" since we found out and can't wait to put a real name on him/her once we find out what we're having in May.  This has been such a whirlwind, mostly because the First Trimester was full of all of the terrible symptoms that you read about in the books, but now that the Second Trimester is in full-swing, I'm starting to feel like myself again. Phew!

So my First Trimester review will be an upcoming post, but for now, enjoy the first pictures of our little Cubbie Bear, who by the way is due September 27th!