Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bear Cub

I've been meaning to put a post up here with some fun news, but just haven't gotten around to it.  So finally, after a day of meetings and travel, and some much needed couch time with my pup, I am making time to share with my few loyal readers :)

Matt and I are expecting!  We've been calling my little avocado "Bear Cub" since we found out and can't wait to put a real name on him/her once we find out what we're having in May.  This has been such a whirlwind, mostly because the First Trimester was full of all of the terrible symptoms that you read about in the books, but now that the Second Trimester is in full-swing, I'm starting to feel like myself again. Phew!

So my First Trimester review will be an upcoming post, but for now, enjoy the first pictures of our little Cubbie Bear, who by the way is due September 27th!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Congrats Stevie! So exciting!!