Sunday, October 26, 2008

Couch Update...

I don't have one! Matt and I drove 2 1/2 hours to Stahl's Furniture yesterday with my parents and we didn't see anything on the floor that we liked. It happens.

So we're off to Crate & Barrel again today to see if we can leave with a couch. Luckily, we have a 15% off coupon so we're now more willing to buy!

Here is what we are looking for ... fun huh? We really like the chaise on the end of the couch. Our room is pretty large, so we want to have some nice seating arrangements for family and friends to enjoy!

Wish us luck. With Matt moving in this week, we need somewhere to sit!

1 comment:

LC said...

Sorry you didn't have luck with the couches :( Where did you get a 15% off coupon to c&B? I want one!

It took a long time for us to find couches too. We had the most luck at Weekends Only and Ashley furniture. We saw one just like you want at Rothman furniture (and they are much less than the one at Crate and Barrel)!!!